Three things you should think about before beginning your weight-loss journey

Begin by setting attainable goals for your body.

Weight loss is a personal journey, but many people want to go on it. There are many diet fads and exercise routines that people follow around the world to lose weight and achieve their goals. They may even begin to engage in activities such as changing their diet or fasting without first consulting with a professional.
These could hurt one's health. "The only thing that separates those who can obtain the body they want from the rest is the basic ground principles they follow," says Dr. Rohini Patil, a nutritionist and published author of "The Lifestyle Diet." Aside from a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, there are a few other factors that may have a significant impact on how much weight you lose."

The expert recommends three weight-loss tips for beginners to help them in 2022; 

1. Set attainable goals: You must accept that you will not be able to lose a significant amount of weight in a matter of days or months. Create realistic goals if you want to lose weight effectively. Set nutrition and workout routines based on your body's requirements. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. As a result, you should keep a close eye on your exercise level throughout the day.

2. Avoid fad diets: Fad diets are popular because they guarantee quick weight loss. They can, however, have a significant negative impact on your health. The majority of fad diets are nutritionally deficient. Choose a diet that is high in all nutrients but low in calories in 2022. Eat a well-balanced meal.

3. You can't out-eat a bad diet: Even if you spend an hour on the treadmill, continuing to consume high-sugar, high-calorie foods are not good for you. It's mostly about figuring out how to include high-quality macronutrients — carbs, fat, and protein — regularly to supply the energy your body requires.


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T Chaitanya Kumar

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